The Woodcrafter Page© 2004 - all rights reserved.
Doll House
this three story, seven room doll house.
Experienced craftspeople can build everything
from scratch and the less adventurous can buy
many items at high end craft stores. The
completed house measures 35 inches wide by 12
inches deep and 29-5/8 inches tall. It appears to be in 1"
scale (1" = 1' ) aka 1/12 scale.
There are several modifcations you might wish
to consider:
1. Wallpaper - dollhouse wallpaper is available
through stores. If you elect to use contact
paper, keep in mind the scale of the patten on
the paper and pick one with a very small pattern.
2. Carpet - Several good quailty fabrics work
well as carpet. Apply the carpet with a good
double stick tape.
3. Stairs - stairs add a real charm to the house
but do not fit well with the floor plan.
4. Lighting - kits are available from stores and
must be planned in and installed during early
* * * * * * * * * * SPECIAL NOTE* * * * *
* * * * * *
This project has a very
special extra feature : it is also
available in French. It has been
translated by Stephanie Trznadel of
France. She visited The Woodcrafter page,
downloaded the free plans, and translated
them for her mother. To get the
translated directions, contact me
for the French translation. |
* * * * * * * *
* N O T I C E * * * * * * * * *
When I originally
published this plan in 2001, I offered it as a
free download.
[Check this out at the internet archive
"Wayback Machine" site http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://thewoodcrafter.net
The very first file did not display my logo on
the pages but had my information listed in the
document properties.
Due to the overwhelming popularity of this item,
as well as some people infringing in my copyright
/ IP rights,
I stopped offering it as a free file in 2005 and
I listed it on my site in the pay plans area.
I then tried to monitor the internet (especially
eBay) to prevent unauthorized sales of my plans.
This proved to be too big of a task as I found
that too many people in the UK were selling my
copyrighted plans
and even had the nerve to claim they had the
copyrights to them.
One seller, Lee Cleavely of Birmingham, United
Kingdom, (eBay sellername = silentassasin25)
even had the audacity to leave me a negative
feedback rating when I stopped him from
selling my plans, after several previous
attempts, and I left him negative feedback for
STEALING my plans.
Actions like this led to me to place the plans
back on my site for FREE.
Now you can download it for FREE right here but
do NOT try to sell them.
* * * * * * IMPORTANT *
* * * * * Your
download of these plans entitles you to
unlimited personal use of them.
publication or copying, for other than
personal use, is prohibited.
The rights to these plans, their sale,
resale, use, publication, and
distribution belong to Keith 0. Davies
(The Woodcrafter), as explained on my
"Detailed Plans" page at
If you purchased these plans from anyone
else (on eBay or any other place) and
paid with PayPal,
I suggest you get your money back by
filing a PayPal dispute.
* * * * * * * *
Click on the picture above to go to download the
plans for this project as a file in Adobe Acrobat
This is a 12 page file. *** The last page is
legal size. ***
(450KB file)* * * * * * * * *
*********** WARNING***********
Read my page on safety
before building this item.