The Woodcrafter Page© is back.
When I elected to shut the page down, I started getting a lot of feedback -
especially on social media (Facebook) asking me to keep it going so . . . here we are.
Offering TRULY FREE plans since May 2001
The layout of this site.
This site consists of two main FREE Plans areas:
The Basic Projects area contains my personal plans while the
Retro Section contains plans from my Delta book collection.
A third area is the Jr. Woodcrafter area, my son's area
- projects for kids.
There is also a pay area on this site:
The Detailed Plans Page.
The Detailed Plans Page is for those looking for professional plan packages at good prices.
Click here to quickly search for a specific project on The Woodcrafter Page©.
Click here for the FREE plans.
Over 325 FREE plans and still expanding. |
Be sure to keep checking back as I will be continually expanding the collection of projects. |