Here is the orginal article from the
January - February 1955 Deltagram
A handy addition to any kitchen and welcomed by the busy housekeeper. It will hold five average size kitchen knives. Because of the natural finish on birch or maple stock, it will lend itself nicely to any kitchen decor. For added sparkle a brightly colored decal should be applied.
The body is made of solid 1½ inch stock, with five saw kerfs cut in the face side on the circular saw before the top and bottom design are cut on the band or scroll saw. The round disc is made of ¼ inch plywood glued to the face of the block to prevent the knives from falling out. Apply two coats of white shellac and wax.
Be sure to make several of these at one time. Your friends will be sure to want them.
Right-click here to download the drawing as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file.
* * * * Click on the drawings above to download a higher resolution picture. * * * *
*********** WARNING***********
Read my page on safety before building this item.