Here is the orginal article from the
March - April 1956 Deltagram

Wren House #2
If you want something unusual in the way of wren houses, why not build this hexagonal unit.
It’s unique design affords a wonderful opportunity to test your angle sawing ability.
3/8 or 1/2inch stock should be used for the sides and bottom and ¾ inch for the top.
All dimensions and angles are given in the drawing.
Finish the wren house with a coat or two of creosote.
When dry, wire it to a tree limb approximately 7' from the ground.

Right-click here to download the drawing as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file.
* * * * Click on the drawings above to download a higher resolution picture. * * * *
*********** WARNING***********
Read my page on safety before building this item.