Here is the orginal article from the
March - April 1956 Deltagram

Twenty-Four Room MARTIN HOUSE
Because of the numerous requests received from our readers asking for plans for a martin house we are repeating the plan that appeared in issue No. 4 of the 1947-48 Deltagram. We are happy to say that the requests have come from new readers of the Deltagram as well as our older friends. You're missing a lot of fun in your back yard if you don’t have a martin house perched high on a pole to accommodate these feathered friends. You can build this attractive design from pine or white cedar. Construction details are shown in the drawing on the opposite page. The ?oor sections are built and assembled as shown in Photos 6 and 7. The assembly of the main body is shown in Photo No. 5. The step roof which adds to the design is perhaps the only tricky part of this martin house. The various segments are cut to widths and then tapered and beveled by setting the miter gauge to 14 degrees and tilting the table or saw blade to I9 degrees. These segment sections are cut as shown in Photos 3 and 4, and assembled as in Photo No. 2. Give the completed bird house two coats of wood preservative and then follow with two coats of outside paint. Martins do not seem to object to gay colored homes.

(Photo No. 2)

(Photo No. 3)

(Photo No. 4)

(Photo No. 5) |

(Photo No. 6) |

(Photo No. 7) |
Right-click here to download the drawing as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file.
* * * * Click on the drawings above to download a higher resolution picture. * * * *
*********** WARNING***********
Read my page on safety before building this item.