Here is the orginal article from the
May - June 1955 Deltagram
Toy Pull Boat

Sometimes the simplest toys are most amusing to the youngsters. This easy-to-make toy pull boat is one of them. Stock thickness can vary to suit whatever scrap material you might have on hand. Cut the pieces to pattern indicated in drawing. Wheels are optional. These are cut from a ¾ inch dowel and screw fastened to the base with round head wood screws. Apply a coat of white undercoating paint followed with a light gray nontoxic enamel. Sand lightly between coats. Paint the smoke stack black, also the feature lines of the windows on the cabin.

Right-click here to download the drawing as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file.
* * * * Click on the drawings above to download a higher resolution picture. * * * *
*********** WARNING***********
Read my page on safety before building this item.