The Woodcrafter Page© 2004 - all rights reserved.
Hobby Horse.
Download the drawings to generate full-size paper or posterboard templates of the project components. When scaling up the drawings, try not to be overly concerned about making the templates exactly like the drawings. They are provided as a reference to help you get started. They show the proportions of the project elements and illustrate how they are assembled, but they are not set in stone. If you make changes to the design, however, do not increase the curve on the bottom of the rockers but do make the curve slightly flatter in the center of the rockers so the horse will want to sit up straight. You may wish to change the animal by cutting a different head such as a cow, a dragon, or even a Hippogriff?.
Materials |
Quan |
Size |
Item |
1 |
8' |
2" x 10" (spruce) |
1 |
20' |
5/8" diameter braided nylon rope (the soft, silky stuff!) |
Leather-like material for ears |
14 |
2½" |
#10 screws |
10 |
1¾" |
#8 screws |
14 |
3/8" |
plugs or a dowel to make plugs |
glue |
sandpaper (120 and 220 grit) |
wood stain |
clear, non-toxic child-safe finish |

A Hint Regarding Screws
There are many areas where you don't want the screws to show so try the following:
Drill a pilot hole for each screw then, before installing the screws, drill a 3/8" countersink hole. The hole should be ¼" deep. After the screw is in place and secure, glue a short piece of 3/8" dowel into the hole - over top of the screw head. The dowel can then be sanded flush with the surrounding surfaces for an attractive joint that looks as if it has simply been pegged. You may even wish to use pre-made 3/8" decorative plugs which protrude a little from the hole and do not require trimming or sanding.
As you build the rocking horse, keep in mind the safety of any child who may ride it. Even if you intend to simply add horse to your home's decor, a visiting child may find it irresistible. Keep the following safety points in mind:
- All edges and corners should be gently rounded.
- Do not use treated wood in toy construction.
- Use only use non-toxic finishing materials.
- The entire project can be built from a single 2" x 10" x 8'. Use your templates to trace the component outlines onto your wood and cut out the pieces in preparation for construction. Take care that there are no significant knots (larger than about ½") in the wood you plan to use for the rockers--they weaken the wood. You want your rockers to be strong enough to withstand the abuse dished out by an enthusiastic child.
*********** WARNING***********
Read my page on safety before building this item.
Click on the picture (at the top) to download the project details in an
Adobe Acrobat file (780Kb). |