Photo No. 3The
unique part of this project is the way in which
these candle sticks may be dis-assembled and
closed up to look like an ordinary turned box as
shown in photograph No. 1.
Photograph No. 3 shows
the way in which the stems and candle cups are
taken apart and placed in the hollowed out base
of one candle stick. The other base then forms a
cover which completely encloses the other parts.
The drawing on
the following page is full size. The bases are
face plate turnings. Turn two and drill for the
dowel in the center while the turning is still in
the lathe by chucking a drill in the tail stock
of the lathe. This insures that the dowel hole is
concentric with the turning itself.
The dowel shown in the drawing is glued into one
base only. The exposed end of the dowel thus fits
into the hole and vice versa.
Seal all parts with white shellac and wax, or
apply a French polish while parts are still in
the lathe.
Stock selected for the original pair of candle
sticks was maple. Any similar hardwood or turning
stock will make up nicely.