The Woodcrafter Page© 2004 - all rights reserved.
The Woodcrafter participates in occasional shows.
Now that I am retired,
I am taking my work on ther road on very select occasions.
I keep an eye open for craft/art shows that offer customers with the
potential to appreciate the difference between wood art and crafts.
If you know of any near the Philadelphia area, please drop me a note using the Contact Us link.
I have none specifically planned for 2023 yet but have my eye on the Lenape High School 2023 Fall Craft Show.
I am on the mailing list for next year. I'll post anyything that I decided to attend here
so check back here from time to time.
Check out the main events below.
(Most recent at the top.) |

Holiday Craft Market
At Trinity Church
* * * * December 16, 2 0 2 3 * * * *
Located in Moorestown, NJ.
This was their first craft show. |


Lenape Band Boosters
Spring Craft Show
* * * * March 25, 2 0 2 3 * * * *
Located in Medford, NJ.
This was a small show to
help support the band. |


Rancocas Woods
Craft & Antique Show
* * * * September 24, 2 0 2 2 * * * *
The Rancocas Woods show was in Rancocas, NJ.
This was my first show in years.
It was fun to get back out after a long break and
I hope to make a few trips each year now. |
University of Pennsylvania
Penn Med Art Show
* * * * November 12 - 27, 2 0 0 8 * * * *
Work by The Woodcrafter was featured in another art show.
The Universtity of Pennsylvania Medical Center of Philadelphia, PA
presented an art exhibit featuring art created by employees of
the Medical Center and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Location : Fox Art Gallery in Claudia Cohen Hall (Formerly Logan Hall)
Ground Floor, inside the dounble doors,
249 South 36th Street, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. |

Beneath the Bark Art Exhibit
* * * * October 4 - 15, 2 0 0 8 * * * *
Once again, work by The Woodcrafter was featured at an art show.
Creative Genius Art Gallery & Studio
in Medford, NJ
presented an exhibit titled "Beneath the Bark" featuring art created using wood.
The exhibit opened Saturday, October 4th, 2008 and ran through November 15th.
The opening reception was held on Saturday,
October 4th from 6-9pm.
The reception was open to the public and was a great time to meet The Woodcrafter,
as well as other artists. |
Fete Day
Fete Day on Elfreth's Alley - Saturday June 7, 2008
I have appeared at Fete Day on
Elfreth's Alley - a National Historic Landmark District in Old City Philadelphia, PA and represented the The Museum for Art in Wood of Philadelphia by demonstrating lathe turning of various wooden items the last two years. I am planning to be there again this year.
The Woodcrafter turned colonial era toys. |
The small spinner tops were the biggest hit of the day. |
The JR Woodcrafter watches his father working.
Hope he's taking notes. |

The children loved watching The Woodcrafter turn the toys. |
Enlightening 2007
A Wizard Camp for Families
The Woodcrafter (AKA The Old Trader), and his family, participated in Enlightening 2007 where he opened
The Old Traders Wand Shop [with the Legendary Wand Collection].
He also presented classes on wand making and the magic of wands where he talked about several aspects of wands, woods, magic, and how they all relate to the Harry Potter stories.
The E7 site (click title above) tells about this fantastic camp which was sponsored by
Bonding Over Books (BOB).
The camp was at the University of Pennsylvania and ran from
Thursday July 12th through Sunday July 15th.
* * * * N O T E * * * *
WOW ! ! ! What an event!
This was the most magical event I think the USA has ever seen.
Check out pictures of E7 at the Old Traders web site .
Many of The Legendary Collection wands were recently shown in the Collingswood, NJ -
Perkin's Center for the Arts .
The Woodcrafter (Keith) was one of the featured artists for the event.

The Old Traders Wand shop at the G.O.F. movie opening event.
Notice the floating candles all about the shop. |
My Legendary Wand Collection on display in Richmond, VA. |
More wands and samples.
The Black Walnut box is a custom wand box. |
Here are all the wands I turned for the first
Harry Potter Diagon Alley event. |

Here I am, in my home shop, turning a wand for the IMAX premiere of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. |
Never cross the wand maker.
He has a lot of wands. |