Fete Day on Elfreth's Alley - Saturday June 6, 2009
The Old Trader, AKA The Woodcrafter, was at Fete Day on
Elfreth's Alley - a National Historic Landmark District in Old City Philadelphia, PA
and represented the Wood Turning Center (now Museum for Art in Wood) of Philadelphia and
the Del-Val Turners Club of Haddonfield, NJ
by demonstrating lathe turning of various wooden items.
* * * * November 12 - 27,..2 0 0 8 * * * *
University of Pennsylvania
Penn Med Art Show
Work by The Woodcrafter was featured in another art show.
The Universtity of Pennsylvania Medical Center of Philadelphia , PA
presented an art exhibit featuring art created by employees of
the Medical Center and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Location : Fox Art Gallery in Claudia Cohen Hall (Formerly Logan Hall)
Ground Floor, inside the dounble doors,
249 South 36th Street, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104.
The opening reception will be 6 - 9 PM on Wednesday November 12, 2008.
* * * * October 4 - 15,..2 0 0 8 * * * *
Beneath the Bark Art Exhibit
Once again, work by The Woodcrafter will be featured at an art show.
Creative Genius Art Gallery & Studio in Medford, NJ
will present an exhibit titled “Beneath the Bark" featuring art created using wood.
The exhibit opens Saturday, October 4th, 2008 and will run through November 15th.
The opening reception will be held on Saturday, October 4th from 6-9pm.
The reception will be open to the public and is a great time to meet The Woodcrafter;
as well as other artists.
Fete Day on Elfreth's Alley - Saturday June 7, 2008
Enlightening 2007
A Enlightening 2007Wizard Camp for Families
The Old Trader, and his family, participated in Enlightening 2007 where he opened
The Old Traders Wand Shop [with the Legendary Wand Collection].
He also presented classes on wand making and the magic of wands where he talked about several aspects of wands, woods, magic, and how they all relate to the Harry Potter stories.
The E7 site (click title above) tells about this fantastic camp which was sponsored by
Bonding Over Books (BOB).
* * * * N O T E * * * *
The Old Trader sold nearly every wand he had in stock.
He will be making a limited number to keep around (in stock) but will mostly work custom orders now.
He will make wands to your order but will not make an exact copy of any wands previously sold.
However, you can ask for a wand to be made to look like one you see on my site but in different wood(s).
The Old Trader is also available to present classes/symposiums on the magic of wands/wood and
the ancient Celtic and Druid lore surrounding the trees. Simply contact us to discuss it.
The Perceval
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Maple
Tip = 11", Grip = 6"
Overall length = 17"
Enchantment : Essence of Lynx Hair.
[Wand #424]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Maple
Tip = 11", Grip = 6"
Overall length = 17"
Enchantment : Essence of Lynx Hair.
[Wand #252]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Maple (walnut stained)
Tip = 10½", Grip = 7"
Overall length = 17½"
Enchantment : Essence of Golden Eagle Claw.
[Wand #492]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Maple
Tip = 11", Grip = 6"
Overall length = 17"
Enchantment : Essence of Lynx Hair.
[Wand #436]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Maple
Tip = 11", Grip = 6"
Overall length = 17"
Enchantment : Essence of Lynx Hair.
[Wand #438]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Solid Maple
Tip = 13", Grip = 4"
Overall length = 17"
Enchantment : Essence of Common Welsh Green Dragon Scale.
[Wand #453]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Solid Cherry
Tip = 10", Grip = 6½"
Overall length = 16½"
Enchantment : Essence of Banshee Hair.
[Wand #439]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Solid Maple
Tip = 12", Grip = 5"
Overall length = 17"
Enchantment : Essence of Niffler Tail.
Owain ab Urien
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Cherry
Tip = 8", Grip = 4"
Overall length = 12"
Enchantment : Essence of Fairy Wing.
[Wand #440]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Solid Maple
Tip = 15", Grip = 6"
Overall length = 21"
Enchantment : Essence of Raven Claw.
[Wand #407]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Solid Cherry
Tip = 12", Grip = 5½"
Overall length = 17½"
Enchantment : Essence of Leprechaun Eyelash.
[Wand #461]
S O L D |
Info: Wood(s) = Solid Cherry
Tip = 11", Grip = 7"
Overall length = 18"
Enchantment : Essence of Leopard Claw.